
Best Pre and Post Cycling Food

Best Pre and Post Cycling Food

While it is true that cycling or doing any other cardio workout on an empty stomach can burn major calories, it can also result in a lower intensity workout that may not yield the results you’re looking for. Whether you bike to compete, for weight loss or to live a healthier lifestyle, it is very important to make sure your body is fueled both before and after your ride. Here are a few suggestions for both pre and post workout snacks.

6 Tips for Effective Muscle Recovery After Cycling

6 Tips for Effective Muscle Recovery After Cycling

Cycling can be tough on your body, especially on your hips and legs. It’s important to allow those muscles to recover properly. Moreover, it’s important to note that muscles don’t actually develop while you’re cycling, but during the next few hours that they’re resting.

3 Reasons Cycling is Good for Your Health

3 Reasons Cycling is Good for Your Health

Most people think of riding a bike as just a leisurely activity. Some do it for sport (like when you see the pack of cyclists riding on the side of the road, training for the next ride.) But a lot of people don't know much about the health benefits cycling actually provides.